Why Choose Us?
We highly value each individual's life experience at Poplars. Above all we want our residents to feel loved, safe and part of a home culture.
We are fiercely proud of our good reputation for care and nursing successes – some which have found national acclaim in the media.
Of course we are happy to share our successes, but nothing can be better than looking at the observations made by the Care Quality Commission, the regulatory body that ensures all providers' services are up to scratch. Excerpts from the commission's most recently published report on the home say:
"We saw good interactions between people who lived there and staff. We observed that people were at ease in the company of staff."
"One person told us: “The staff treat me well here.” We saw that people's needs had been assessed by a range of health professionals and people's healthcare needs had been monitored and met.
"A relative told us: 'My relative is well cared for here'."
"People told us that they had a choice of what to eat and liked the food provided."
"Staff had the skills and knowledge to know how to safely support people who lived there to meet their needs. "
"Staff told us that they were well supported in their role and this helped them to know how to support people who lived there."
"People were asked for their views about the home and these were listened to."
"Records we sampled showed that where needed, people were referred to other health professionals for advice."
"We saw that staff interacted well with people who lived there and their relatives. One person said: 'We have a good laugh here, all staff spend time talking to me and they know what I need'."
"We saw that staff responded to people's needs and supported people as soon as possible when they needed it."
"One person told us they attended the church service at the home. Another person told us they enjoyed the exercise to music to session that was held there."
"We saw that regular activities were organised in the home."